University of Salford joins forces with British University Vietnam to enhance student mobility and experience

17th February 2023, 11:37 am

University of Salford has agreed an institutional partnership with British University Vietnam (BUV), marking the union with a formal memorandum of understanding (MoU) ceremony. The Institutional Partnership Agreement will enable students and staff at both institutions to capitalise on trans-national opportunities, including experiential learning abroad and collaborative shared learning experiences, while joining forces on research, enterprise and projects.

Salford and BUV, which is Vietnam’s first university to be awarded a prestigious and globally recognised five-star excellent rating by QS World University Rankings, agreed the partnership to enhance the student experience across both institutions and improve student and staff mobility by bolstering international study and work opportunities. The partnership will also strengthen the scope for staff to work more collaboratively with their international counterparts.

Professor Janice Allan, Dean of Salford Business School, comments: “During the visit to BUV, we were struck by how closely their mission, vision and pedagogy aligns with our own; industry collaboration and real-world learning are as central to BUV as they are to us at the University of Salford. This is an exciting opportunity for both the University as a whole and, most immediately, Salford Business School, and I’m very much looking forward to working with them.

“Cultural awareness – the ability to view events and issues from different perspectives – is a key employability skill and enhances graduates’ career capital. We have no doubt this partnership will present such opportunities for students at both institutions.”

University of Salford’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Helen Marshall, Business School Dean, Professor Janice Allan and Associate Dean Academic – Student Experience, Professor Vish Maheshwari, were joined by BUV’s Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Ray Gordon, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Rick Bennett, Chief Academic Officer, Chris Jeffery, International Office Manager, Hien Nguyen and Registrar, Tony Summers for the formal MoU signing at BUV’s state of the art campus – a modern educational complex located at Ecopark Township, Vietnam, to officially commence the partnership on the 13 January 2023.

The partnership with Salford enables BUV students in Vietnam to earn a British degree with an international learning experience, thanks to a shared curriculum and staff. The University currently offers British undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, as well as professional development and international education pathway programmes. Courses include BSc International Business Management, BSc Finance, BA Finance and Economics, BA Accounting and Finance, and MBA Business Administration, amongst multiple arts and media, plus tech courses.

Professor Ray Gordon says, following the signing ceremony at BUV campus: “British University Vietnam is delighted to announce its partnership with University of Salford. In 2022, BUV became the first and only University in Vietnam to receive an overall QS 5-star rating (that is 5 out of 5 stars ratings). BUV is proud to be leading the way in the provision of quality high education and learning experiences in Vietnam.

“To achieve its mission and its broader commitment to the future of education in Vietnam, BUV will partner with University of Salford in both academic and non-academic areas, providing the opportunity for Vietnam students to study at UoS on a full transfer, a partial exchange or study abroad basis. UoS students also have the opportunity to study at BUV on the same basis and thereby enhance the international diversity and learning experience for BUV students. Both Universities will also collaborate in curriculum development, academic exchange and collaborative research endeavours.”

The agreement highlights University of Salford’s expanding international reach, following its partnership announcement with Robert Kennedy College in Switzerland, further affirming the institution’s place as a global higher education leader which aims to closely serve the needs of industry and drive the development of best practice in learning.

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