Transport for Greater Manchester Active Travel Update

12th December 2023, 11:35 am

Today (11 December 2023) Active Travel Commissioner, Dame Sarah Storey and Transport Commissioner, Vernon Everitt, attended Stockport Interchange to set out an updated roadmap for the delivery of an expanded walking, wheeling and cycling offer at the heart of the Bee Network.

This announcement precedes the Bee Network Committee on 14 December, where a full report on the Active Travel programme for GM – including the first annual report – will be presented. The papers provide a comprehensive update on the walking wheeling and cycling programme in GM as part of the progress towards a new Active Travel Strategy, which will be included in the development of the new Local Transport Plan in 2024. The committee papers are available here.

The briefing here provides a summary of the report and planned next steps and sets out some of the changes you will see in Greater Manchester in the coming years. The maps in this briefing can also be downloaded here.

Additionally, we know it’s Christmas Party season for many businesses, so we want to reiterate the dangers of drink driving at this time of year with our Your Car Can’t Say No campaign. Anything you are able to do to share this message would be appreciated and you can find the means to do so here here.

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