‘The Role of Digital in Delivering Health and Care Services in our Communities’ – webinar from CGI
25th June 2020, 9:39 am
CGI is hosting a Health and Social Care Special Interest Group (SIG) Webinar on ‘The Role of Digital in Delivering Health and Care Services in our Communities’ on Weds 2nd July 1-2pm.
Guest Speakers, Peter Mcleod (CEO of Care Inspectorate Scotland), David Chalkley (Deputy CCIO, Musgrove Park Hospital, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust) and Dr Jim Peake (Senior Vice-President for the Health industry at CGI) will provide insight into the various ways that digital is being adopted to deliver health and care across communities.
Register for your free place at: https://www.cgi-group.co.uk/en-gb/event/health/digital-health-and-care-services-in-our-communities-special-interest-group-2-july-2020
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