Sky News’ ‘The Climate Show’

15th February 2024, 10:22 am

Homes are the single biggest contributor of carbon emissions from the built environment – it’s been estimated that more than £500bn is needed to upgrade UK homes by 2050. It’s impossible for the Government, or for housing providers, to foot the bill alone – and that’s where we come in.

PNZ Carbon, as part of PNZ Group, funds the retrofit of homes in local communities using commercial demand for transparent, localised carbon credits. By providing this route for private investment, we’re helping the UK to not only deliver its Net Zero targets, but also creating warmer, more energy efficient homes for people to live in.

It was great to talk to Tom Heap from Sky News about our one-of-a-kind scheme to decarbonise the housing stock, and you can read more here:

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Introduction to PNZ Carbon

We are proud to introduce PNZ Carbon, part of PNZ Group, which is funding the affordable retrofitting of British homes, […]
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