Mills & Reeve’s ESG Ignite

15th February 2024, 9:58 am

ESG Ignite is one of Mills & Reeve’s current thought leadership campaigns – a series of reports aiming to help organisations take a proactive and positive approach to unlock environmental, social and governance opportunities.

Rather than a regulatory burden, ESG is treated as being fundamental to building strong, future-proof foundations.

The reports are based on interviews with over 60 business leaders at different stages of their ESG journeys, sharing ideas and experiences about how they are responding to ESG challenges and opportunities.

The first report in the series Embracing ESG opportunities focuses on positive examples of how ESG is being implemented within businesses and practical steps for how others can do the same.

Visit ESG Ignite where you can download the report and keep an eye out for future reports in the series.

Finally, we’re excited to launch our new ESG blog, where we’ll be covering the latest news, emerging trends and insights on ESG, as well as practical tips on how to implement and embed ESG practices. Visit the blog to sign up here.

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