Member Spotlight: Ruth Shearn, Founder – RMS

22nd August 2024, 2:12 pm

  1. Introduce yourself

The name is Shearn, Ruth Shearn!

I set up RMS in my back bedroom over 30 years ago.  Having surrounded myself with a brilliant team of intelligent, talented and hard-working colleagues, RMS is now one of the longest established and most respected B2B marketing agencies in the region.

Using a mix of skills, including media relations, SEO, design, copywriting, film and content creation, we help professional services firms and businesses with their internal and external communications.

Outside work, life mainly revolves around two things: family first and foremost, followed by tennis, which I took up three years ago. Disappointingly, it isn’t the hidden talent I thought it might be.  Nonetheless, I love it and wish I’d taken it up years ago!


  1. Career highlight

There have been many but one always takes precedent for the simple reason, it helped save hundreds of lives.

In short, we conceived, created, launched and managed a two year campaign for a large maritime client that raised awareness of Somali piracy, and put paid to the cute and likable image of pirates as portrayed by Johnny Depp.

Alongside securing stacks of media coverage in major publications around the world, the campaign involved lobbying governments and led to changes in law.

Our campaign directly resulted in the release of hundreds of seafarers who had been held hostage by pirates.  The then secretary-general of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, even congratulated us, which was rather cool.


  1. Name three words that describe your personality

Enthusiastic. Principled. Interested.


  1. What’s the best thing about pro-manchester

The team is fantastic – accessible, responsive, helpful and supportive. The calendar is excellent and delivers a healthy balance of interesting, informative, practical and sociable events.


  1. What are your priorities for 2024

Attracting more clients and growing our team.  We’re especially keen to add an accountancy practice, wealth management company and established recruitment agency to our portfolio as we have lots of relevant experience, ideas and opportunities that would benefit them.

Of course, we’re keen to hear from other businesses in need of fresh support with their marketing, too!


  1. What do you think are the most important things going on in Manchester at the moment?

So many things!  The amount of construction which is changing the cityscape on a daily basis.  The strength of the private equity sector which is giving London a run for its money. The announcement that Oasis is reuniting.  Manchester is buzzin’ on all fronts.


  1. Favourite meeting place in Manchester

Call me old fashioned but I adore The Midland Hotel which has been a constant and reliable feature of my business and personal  life since I first arrived in Manchester nearly 40 years ago.


  1. Are there any particular types of businesses that you would like to meet

We love variety which is just as well because one of our strengths is supporting business owners who are looking for an exit in the mid-term.

We’ve proven time and again how a well-considered and strategic approach to PR and marketing communications can positively impact the sale process by putting companies on the radar of potential trade acquirers or investors.


Get In Touch (optional)

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07881 772960

LinkedIn: Ruth Shearn/RMS PR Marketing Design

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