Member Spotlight: Lisa Wright, Founder – Menopause the Wright Way

12th June 2024, 9:51 am

1. Introduce yourself

My name is Lisa Wright, I spent nearly 20 years as the MD of a data company, part of a global financial information group. I have experience in developing and leading diverse teams in terms of nationality, age and culture. In 2019 I left the corporate world to pursue a MSc in Exercise and Nutrition Science, building on a lifelong interest in these areas. For my master’s dissertation I undertook research on the impact of menopausal symptoms on endurance athletes. Whilst carrying out this research I became aware of the significant lack of evidence-based information relating to menopause symptoms and more generally a lack of support for women at this time in their lives both personally and professionally.

This led me to undertake further training into women’s health along with menopause specific training via the International Menopause Society and Newson Health. I established Menopause the Wright Way in 2021, focusing on supporting businesses and individuals through their unique menopause journeys. I provide employers with education and training to supporting them with women’s health initiatives.

Guidance is available for diverse groups including:

· senior leaders, enabling them to understand the business impact

· managers, who may have menopausal team members and need to have difficult conversations

· female employees, providing evidence-based information and support around all aspects of the perimenopause and menopause

· male employees wishing to support their partners

· the impact upon LGBTQ+ individuals

Additionally I help women take control of their perimenopause/menopause by providing a holistic approach using diet, exercise, and the latest evidence-based information to enable informed choices.

2. Career highlight

My career highlight was in growing my 15-employee business to one employing over 180 people based in Manchester and Singapore. I was lucky enough to work with team members comprising of all ages and of over 30 different nationalities, providing me with a unique insight into a wide variety of cultures and viewpoints.

3. Name three words that describe your personality


Out going


4. What’s the best thing about pro-manchester

The pro-manchester team members are warm and welcoming which makes it’s a pleasure to go to the events. The events are always well organised, professional and well attended, providing excellent networking opportunities and are often stimulating and thought provoking.

5. What are your priorities for 2024

Ensuring that women’s health is given the organisational wide focus it deserves so that women are not hindered in their potential growth and development.

6. Favourite meeting place in Manchester

Federal Café Bar on Deansgate is one of my favourite coffee places in the City Centre.

7. Are there any particular types of businesses that you would like to meet

Size and sector of business for me is irrelevant, what matters is that a business wants to invest in raising awareness and supporting women’s health across all of its employees.

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07464 481788


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