Member Spotlight: Lee Stretton, CIO – Moneva

15th May 2024, 12:00 pm

1. Introduce yourself

I’m Lee Stretton, CIO at Monevo. Monevo is a Fintech that operates in the UK, US and Australia and is a next generation credit eligibility and distribution platforms. Monevo makes decisions on over 1,000,000 customer applications per day for consumer credit and matches the applications to products that both the individuals will be eligible for and meets their needs.

I’ve been involved in Fintech for over 17 years in various leadership roles, even before Fintech was known as Fintech.

2. Career highlight

There have been quite a few, but a couple that spring to mind are re-inventing a previous business from being a technology provider to banks to being a wealth management platform and taking ownership of the customer relationships, and subsequently existing the business twice. Another highlight was being made CTO of the first fintech I worked at, quite early on in my career in 2007. At the time it seemed like quite a jump being fairly young at the time, but looking back I think it went quite well.

3. Name three words that describe your personality

Innovative, Supportive, Positive

4. What’s the best thing about pro-manchester

Being part of a wider community of professionals for networking purposes is incredibly valuable, along with the excellent events that are organised. Some of which I’ve had the privilege of speaking at as well.

5. What are your priorities for 2024

Focussing on our development roadmap for the year. It’s been a tough period for both businesses and individuals with the cost-of-living crisis recently. Our technology solutions help lenders navigate this uncertainty and helps them provide more offers to consumers. We’re hoping as a business that this will ease soon and we’ll be in a great position to capitalise on it.

6. What do you think are the most important things going on in Manchester at the moment?

There’s so much going on in Manchester at the moment, but for me the single most important thing is the transport situation. This goes for the wider region as well. If Manchester wants to cement its place as the UK’s second city, we need a world class transportation system. Cars are being priced out of the city centre and the ongoing rail situation is making it more and more difficult to actually get into the city centre.

7. Favourite meeting place in Manchester

There are loads, but particular ones that stand out are Albert Schloss and Dukes 92.

8. Are their any particular types of businesses that you would like to meet

Get In Touch 

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07949078406


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