Julie Tunstall

31st January 2023, 10:10 am

Julie Tunstall, Programmes and Events Manager

I’m Jules, My role as one of the programmes and events planner is probably one of the most fulfilled I have ever had! I hold qualifications in hotel and catering operations and marketing communications, and other than the odd stint in marketing my career has predominantly in the hospitality and events sector. I run and manage an array of events both large and small, from private round table meeting with the Bank of England up to our Corporate Finance lunch and Trailblazing Tech conference. Alongside this I manage and facilitate the Innovation, Healthcare, Fintech and Financial and Professional Services programmes, this involves regular committee meetings with each sector to create a diary of relevant events. Away from the office my timeout usually involves the dog and sometimes the teenagers on a massive walk, swimming or cycling.

You can contact me on Tel: 07894 719237 or [email protected] 

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