Izzy Fish

31st January 2023, 10:14 am

Izzy Fish,  Programmes & Events Manager

I’m Izzy, a Programmes & Events Manager and the resident kiwi here at pro-manchester. A look after a number of sectors including Green Economy, Retail & E-Commerce, Transport & Infrastructure, Sports Industry, Property & Regeneration and Hospitality, Leisure & Tourism. With a Bachelors’ degree in Event Management and Marketing as well as qualifications in sustainability and visual art, I flew to the UK a little under two years ago and made Manchester my new home. Sustainability is a passion of mine and am privileged to be the companies ‘Green Lead’ and am always looking for creative ways to facilitate and encourage members to find sustainable solutions. My favourite part of the role is getting out onto the streets of Manchester and finding quirky coffee shops to meet all our lovely members in for a catch up!

You can contact me on Tel: 07496 492432 or [email protected]

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