Invitation to participate in the digital platforms research project

15th February 2024, 9:53 am

We are reaching out to you with an exciting opportunity to be part of a groundbreaking research project: Understanding and navigating challenges for digital platforms (UNADIP).

This study aims to explore the challenges encountered by new entrants in the competitive landscape of digital platforms, particularly in social media, e-commerce, and ride-sharing. The focus is on understanding strategies employed to gain user trust and establish a presence in an environment dominated by large platform-based businesses.

We are conducting informal interviews guided by a general set of questions with digital platform companies. These interviews will involve various professionals, such as digital platform owners (CEOs), software developers, designers, marketers, data analysts, social media experts, and other relevant roles. We will be conducting the interviews in person or online between end of February and April 2024; we require each person’s time for approximately 30 minutes.

Your involvement in this research project not only contributes to advancing knowledge in the digital realm but also provides an opportunity to showcase your platform’s experiences and strategies. The outcomes of the UNADIP project will benefit both academia and industry, offering practical insights for digital platform companies. A policy brief, created from your generous contribution, will tie together this information cohesively, and all participants will be invited to a findings briefing where you will receive exclusive insights and opportunity to discuss with the academic team.

We believe your businesses’ perspective is crucial to the success of this research, and we would be honoured to include you in this innovative project. If you are interested or have any questions, please do contact us. Please contact [email protected] to let us know if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions.

Thank you for considering participation in the UNADIP research project. We look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

Dr Meropi Tzanetakis

Lead researcher of the UNADIP Team

School of Social Sciences

The University of Manchester

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