Harnessing Technology for Business Growth

26th February 2020, 9:28 am


Join Brewin Dolphin on Wednesday 11th March for a “Harnessing Technology for Business Growth” event. Making decisions on the best technology for your business can feel like a daunting minefield, yet, harnessed properly, technology is a powerful force for helping you to successfully scale your business.

This event on Wednesday 11th March is hosted by Brewin Dolphin and will be presented by Jeannie McGillivray and Jonathan Farrar, experts in technology from http://remote.online. It will give you an overview of the current and emerging technological landscape and a better understanding of the possibilities available to you through harnessing technology in your business.

Who it’s for: This event is aimed at leaders of strong small – medium sized businesses with 10 or more members of staff and non-technical business owners/management teams. If you’re the owner of a business that is experiencing a good level of growth, have outgrown or are being held back or left behind by technology and need to secure your businesses future, this event is for you.

Why attend?: Is your business missing out on opportunities that could be a game changer? Are you at risk from being beaten by the competition? Find out what technology is available to help your business save money, run more efficiently, become more profitable and scale safely.

What is covered?

  • What’s possible with technology – Product use cases/suites
  • Online Applications, Apps, SaaS, Business Process Management
  • The future of technology – AI, Machine Learning
  • How technology is used to cut costs – Automation & scalability
  • Explain the use of no-code low-code solutions and custom software solutions
  • How much they can expect to pay for solutions and how to calculate and ensure ROI

Following this event, you may wish to sign-up for a free Discovery Session with the team from Remote. Discovery Sessions are for business owners who feel they need to reassess and improve the use of technology within their business. A Discovery Session will be a one hour private session to look at your current systems and make specific recommendations for the best solutions for your business. If you are looking for a custom solution, it may lead onto a half-day Clarity Workshop, in which the Remote team will analyse your current systems and processes, identify bottlenecks and opportunities for harnessing technology in your business and scope out a custom solution for you.


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