Developing Digital Skills for businesses wanting to stay ahead of the curve and to find out how the UK digital landscape is changing

27th March 2024, 2:51 pm

The Centre for the Sustainable Innovation / University of Salford are running a free workshop on Wednesday the 17th of April from 9-11am with breakfast and refreshments included.

It’s on Developing Digital Skills for businesses wanting to stay ahead of the curve and to find out how the UK digital landscape is changing and what they can do to adapt and close the gap in this skills sector.

Workshop focused on bridging the skills gap in today’s rapidly evolving landscape. Led by our team of expert practitioners and industry leaders, this workshop promises to be a transformative experience for participants.

Who should attend: Senior decision makers or those interested in supporting skills development in the workplace.

Outline: Digital transformation is key to driving innovation, productivity and growth in UK business but without investment in developing and maintaining digital skills, this transformation will never be realised.

This workshop will discuss the following topics:

  • What is digital transformation and how can it drive efficiencies and growth?
  • Where are we on our digital journey – help you recognise the transformation is a journey not a destination.
  • What is the current digital skills gap in the UK and what can we do to fill not widen the gap?
  • How can we create a culture of digital sustainable innovation?
  • What are the critical ingredients in driving transformational change.
  • What is Know Digital?
  • Q&A

Join us over breakfast as we empower industry professionals to navigate the skills gap and unlock new pathways to success.

Here is a link to the event:

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