Can you donate your space to support TLC

3rd January 2023, 3:03 pm

TLC: Talk, Listen Change is looking for anyone kind enough to lend a space so they can keep in-person counselling on the cards over the next few months. The charity is looking for a warm, confidential room with space for 2-3 easy chairs and, ideally, a window. The space would also be easily accessible via public transport and well-lit in the evenings to ensure the safety of counsellors and clients. It’s important that it is somewhere activity won’t be disturbed and people won’t need to enter the room during sessions. TLC would like to borrow the room for half a day, one day per week, for at least 12 weeks, but preferably longer.

TLC is a charity that aims to ensure everyone benefits from safe, healthy, and happy relationships with their selves and others. The organisation has been providing support to the community in Greater Manchester and beyond for over 40 years. Though many of the people they work with have been comfortable with the switch to telephone and online counselling, there are individuals that need the privacy of a safe space outside of their home to talk to their counsellor. If you are able to lend TLC a hand, please contact Emily Manning at [email protected].

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