Business Resilience in the Current Climate
27th March 2020, 3:49 pm
With the Government imposing stricter measures by the day, local economies and communities face an unprecedented challenge in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. We would like to engage active participants from the North-West Financial Services market to discuss the wider issues that businesses and employees face as we adapt to home-working and business as usual. The format will be a 1 hour discussion via web-seminar between people in the industry to share their experiences to date.
Greig Moran, Head of Operational Risk at B-North, will be chairing the event and inviting discussion from participants on the below subjects:
Business day to day decision-making
Finances – short-term/long-term effects
Social impact
Mental wellbeing
Community spirit
We are seeking 10-12 active participants from a variety of backgrounds within the Financial Services community so please register your interest with Josh Littlemore at BRUIN Financial ([email protected]) if you’d like to take part.
Places are limited due to the popularity and nature of the event
Date: Tuesday 7th April 2020
Location: Zoom
Timings: 1-2pm
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