Bee Net Zero partners are taking a proactive approach to business sustainability

17th November 2023, 4:46 pm

Greater Manchester is celebrating retaining its status as a Climate Action Leader by making CDP’s A-List for cities tackling climate change for a third year in a row. This achievement shows that a city is taking a proactive approach to facing the climate crisis and is showing strong leadership.

Across the Bee Net Zero partnership, there is plenty of activity which shows our region’s dedication to sustainability particularly in the commercial sector. Here are just a few examples:

Firstly, Tameside Means Business has announced it will host its annual Net Zero Festival on Friday 8 December with interactive experiences, guest speakers and green business networking.

Similarly, Bee Net Zero partner pro-Manchester will be hosting an interactive Net Zero workshop for its partners on Monday 4 December to celebrate Carbon Literacy Action Day.

Then, to support both commercial landlords and occupiers to reach sustainability targets, Greater Manchester Combined Authority has created a guide to Commercial Occupier Retrofit with the help of CBRE. The guide includes information on green leases, energy management, best practice certifications and circular economy solutions to save businesses money and improve their green credentials.

To learn more about the support available to your Greater Manchester organisation on its sustainability journey visit

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