Survey of Graduate Recruitment

10th January 2023, 8:48 am

We’d like to invite you to our complete this Graduate Recruitment and Skills survey 2023.

This survey represents a unique collaboration of six industry bodies [Chartered Institute of Marketing North West, DMA, IAB, McrDig ,MPA and pro-manchester], led by Manchester Metropolitan University Business School (Jeff McCarthy, Jo Bodley, Cerys Jones).

Hiring the right talent is essential for any sector, and Graduate recruitment is a well-established hiring route for many employers. Your voice is essential in understanding what we are doing right and what could be improved by all stakeholders, including Universities.

The survey is open from Monday 9 January and closes at 22:00 on Monday 23 January.  The results will then be analysed, for the key findings to be presented at Digital Skills Festival Fringe Event with Manchester Metropolitan University Business School on 9 February 17:30 – 19:00. Details on that to follow in later communications.

Thank you for your help. Please complete the survey before 22:00 on Monday 23 January in order that your voice – and that of [pro body] is part of this exciting project.

Manchester Digital invites you to our Digital Skills Festival Fringe Event with Manchester Metropolitan University Business School to discuss the outcome of the survey.

To secure your place please click here

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