MHA is the trading name of MacIntyre Hudson LLP, a limited liability partnership, registered in England with registered number OC312313. A list of partners’ names is open for inspection at its registered office, 201 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 1LZ.
MHA, an independent member of Baker Tilly International network of independent accountancy and business advisory firms. The members of Baker Tilly International are separate and independent legal entities operating in their respective territories. MHA is not Baker Tilly International’s agent and does not have authority to bind Baker Tilly International or act on Baker Tilly International’s behalf. None of Baker Tilly International, MHA, nor any of the other member firms of Baker Tilly International has any liability for each other’s acts or omissions.
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80 Mosley St, Manchester, M2 3FX
0161 519 5050
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