Member Spotlight: Paul Flint FCA, Managing Director- Alvarez & Marsal Europe LLP

Wednesday, 9th June 2021

Each week we get to know one of our members a little better. This week it’s Paul Flint FCA, Managing Director- Alvarez & Marsal Europe LLP…


  1. Favourite quote or saying?

You can only go forward in life, no point looking back!

  1. Career highlight?

Various ones where we have restructured a business and saved 100s of jobs.

  1. Why do you love pro-manchester?

Of course, the spirit of Manchester business.

  1. What are you reading at the moment?

And the Mountains Echoed – Khaled Hosseini

  1. What are you watching at the moment?

My waistline!

  1. Favourite meeting place in Manchester?

Portico Library

  1. Favourite lockdown activity?

Time to restore my classic cars

  1. Most creative meal that you cook?

Cook? I have made a Sunday roast does that count?

  1. Most creative thing you’ve seen on a video call during the lockdown?

We had a goat appear on one of our team meetings. I’ve seen some humorous clips?

  1. Most mundane task you’ve completed since being in lockdown?

Post a wine or beer tasting on Zooms or teams.

  1. Do you write a blog that you’d like us to share?

Blog what’s that? I do write poetry?

  1. What are you looking forward to doing again the most after lockdown?

Socialising with contacts and friends