Member Spotlight: Milica Trifkovic, Director, Head of Manchester – Rooster Marketing
Wednesday, 16th June 2021Each week we get to know one of our members a little better. This week it’s Milica Trifkovic, Director, Head of Manchester – Rooster Marketing…
- Favourite quote or saying?
There is a quote from the Talmud that I love: “Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly now, love mercy now, walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” I think it’s such an important sentiment, especially with everything that has been going on since the beginning of 2020.
- Career highlight?
Despite starting out in an agency, I spent the majority of my career as the in-house marketer at various businesses, always missing the vibrancy and variety that comes with agency work. Over the last two years, and especially over the course of completing my master’s programme, I have had the chance to really work out the kind of environment I work best in. Finding my way back to an agency, after what has felt like an eternity, has really been the highlight of my career thus far.
- Why do you love pro-manchester?
Networking can feel a little daunting if you feel like you have to break the ice yourself. The events organised by pro-manchester always have such a casual friendly tone, that it really dispels any tension and really helps you focus on the topic at hand.
- What are you reading at the moment?
My reading focus has gone down significantly since the pandemic turned reading and watching movies into a city dweller’s only hobby options. I have been trying to stay on top of my reading list, most prominently soon to be adapted classics that have evaded me thus far, like Frank Herbert’s Dune.
- What are you watching at the moment?
I have been trying to replace endless hours of television with shorter, more emotionally impactful content, so I have been working my way down the list of this year’s Academy Award winners and nominees. Nomadland and The Sound of Metal have really wowed me.
- Favourite meeting place in Manchester?
The Village is my favourite place in Manchester, as it’s always lively and buzzing with positive energy. My go to place for most kinds of meetups is No. 1 Canal street, as it has all the vibrance of the Village, with less noise and chaos that happens around the main few clubs.
- Favourite lockdown activity?
I’ve always enjoyed cooking and baking, but boredom due to lockdown pushed me to experiment with flavours and techniques I hadn’t tried before. There has been a lot of trial and error and there have been a lot of kitchen messes to clean, but I’m very happy to have improved my skills.
- Most creative meal that you cook?
I love to cook and I have a collection of cookbooks. Because I especially like hosting, I try to accommodate my guests’ dietary restrictions like veganism, lactose intolerance, allergies etc. Some of my most challenging and creative dishes came to be as a result of trying to make my favourite food in a way that everyone can enjoy. My current favourite is a mango blueberry cheesecake made entirely without cheese and dairy.
- Most creative thing you’ve seen on a video call during the lockdown?
One of my favourite parts of having meetings with people working from home have been accidental glimpses of their pets. It is always a great ice breaker, and always sets a good tone for the conversation, as people tend to let their guard down when talking about their pets.
- Most mundane task you’ve completed since being in lockdown?
Spring cleaning has been cathartic this year. As tedious as it is, decluttering and letting go of things that are no longer useful or fun has really set the scene for a more productive time period to come, especially as we’re easing our way out of lockdown.
- Do you write a blog that you’d like us to share?
Our amazing content team curates the Rooster blog, which contains everything from industry tips, to digital marketing news, and insights from our clients. It is really useful if you want to stay on top of all the latest marketing news, like Google algorithm changes and new features and functions. You can find it here.
- What are you looking forward to doing again the most after lockdown?
The most rewarding part of coming out of lockdown has been seeing Manchester come back to life. Even with the weather we’ve been cursed with, beer gardens have been full of people who are visibly ecstatic to be socialising again. What I’m excited about the most is seeing the city revived with the enthusiasm of people who have a new appreciation for the little things.