Member Spotlight: Jonathan Cox, Partner & Leader of the Housing Sector – Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP
Wednesday, 5th May 2021Each week we get to learn a little more about one of our members. This week it’s Jonathan Cox, Partner & Leader of the Housing Sector – Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP …
- Favourite quote or saying?
“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” John Bunyan
- Career highlight?
In 2016 I led a team acting on behalf of a group of five housing associations who with the National Housing Federation created a voluntary right to buy; which was piloted in specific areas across England. Without a statutory background there were multiple issues to overcome across different areas of law and regulation. With the benefit of our talented team we assisted the group in creating policies and procedures and a suite of documents. We then acted on a significant proportion of the sales for some of the group and assisted the law firms acting for the remaining associations. We provided advice and support to the sector when in 2018 – 2020 44 associations modelled refinements to the original scheme.
- Why do you love pro-manchester?
We opened our office in Manchester in 2018 and pro-manchester has given us a valuable opportunity to meet and network with people and organisations across the North West.
- What are you reading at the moment?
“Left Out: The Inside Story of Labour Under Corbyn” by Gabriel Pogrund and, Patrick Maguire and “Fair Warning” by Michael Connelly
- What are you watching at the moment?
Lockdown being the greatest opportunity to catch up on all the TV you have ever missed I have been watching “Line of Duty” from the start and am now up to the final episode of series 5 (no spoilers please).
- Favourite meeting place in Manchester?
“My Thai” round the corner from the office.
- Favourite lockdown activity?
I have enjoyed spending more time with my family and more “face time” with clients; given the sector in which I work it is a privilege to work with so many dedicated and inspiring people.
- Most creative meal that you cook?
Courgette souffle – the fact that I don’t sometimes get it right illustrates that it is at the edge of my talents!
- Most creative thing you’ve seen on a video call during the lockdown?
I went onto an awards ceremony where the prizegiver called for a drum roll and, (you’ve guessed it), an assistant rolled a real bass drum across the desk.
- Most mundane task you’ve completed since being in lockdown?
Using an auto-clay bar to get micro contaminants you can’t see off the paintwork of my car. Hours of lockdown time can be killed doing this!
- Do you write a blog that you’d like us to share?
Nope but I am on twitter
- What are you looking forward to doing again the most after lockdown?
Going to the theatre; I just hope theatres will survive this.