Member Spotlight: Grace Avery, Studio Manager – Buttress Architects

Tuesday, 17th August 2021

Each week we get to know one of our members a little better. This week it’s Member Spotlight: Grace Avery, Studio Manager – Buttress Architects…

  1. Career highlight?

There are so many to choose from, but I think one that means the most to me is completing my Mental Health First Aider training. We all have mental health, whether it’s good or bad or all over the place, and the fact that it has been recognised by the Board of Directors at Buttress is fantastic. They have trained three of us up now and I’ve since been involved in our internal Wellbeing program and putting together events, seminars and resources for all of our staff to benefit from. It’s made a huge impact to all of us and it’s a very rewarding part of my job.


  1. Why do you love pro-manchester?

It’s great to be part of a network of fantastic Manchester-based businesses. There is a wealth of knowledge and expertise to tap into and all of the events are considered and informative. The support from the pro-manchester team is so proactive and they really go out of their way to ensure our company is benefitting from our membership.


  1. What are you reading at the moment?

The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams – it’s heartbreaking! I’ve also just finished The Midnight Library by Matt Haig so I’ve ordered a few more of his books as I thoroughly enjoyed reading that.


  1. What are you watching at the moment?

I’m a serial re-watcher, so I’m currently re-watching Lost. Also very late to the party, but I just finished The Serpent on BBC which was fab!


  1. Favourite band or artist?

The Smashing Pumpkins or The Cranberries.


  1. Hidden / Useless Talent?

I can make my own clothing patterns and crochet patterns.


  1. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

You can’t control everything. Stop worrying about the future and enjoy being present. Practice gratitude. Stay hydrated. Workout when you can. Eat well.


  1. Favourite meeting place in Manchester?

Honestly, our studio. As cheesy an answer as that is, I genuinely love where I work and the people I work with. After the past year it is so lovely to see people face to face rather than just their heads on a video call.


  1. Favourite place to visit in Manchester?

I love all the vintage shops and charity shops in the Northern Quarter. Fred Aldous is a great place to shop too for art supplies


  1. Best concert / gig / performance you’ve been to?

I saw a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Royal Exchange years ago, and I still haven’t seen anything quite as good as that. Anything at the Royal Exchange is a winner in my eyes!


  1. If you could spend a day in someone else’s shoes, whose would they be? Why?

I’ll happily fill the shoes of Leonardo DiCaprio’s girlfriend please?……Otherwise, probably Beyonce. Imagine being Beyonce – I feel exhausted just imagining it! Her life is the furthest away from my own so it would be very intriguing to experience that.


  1. What are you looking forward to most in the next 12 months?

I’ve just moved to a new area of Manchester so I’m looking forward to experiencing summer here. We also have exciting things happening at work and lots of new faces to meet over the coming months. And I can’t wait to spend more time with my mum in Anglesey now it’s safe to travel again.


  1. Do you write a blog that you’d like us to share?

I don’t write one, but I do enjoy reading our Buttress blog to keep up to date with all our project news and events – Buttress Architects | Latest