Member Spotlight: Anthony Morrow, CEO & Founder, OpenMoney

Tuesday, 26th May 2020

Each week we get to know one of our members slightly better.  This week we find out more about Anthony Morrow, CEO & Founder of OpenMoney

1) Career highlight
Launching Open Money in April 2017 (just had our third birthday which sort of just flew past!). Had many great times before but this has been really personal and with a real sense of meaning.

2) Why do you love pro-Manchester?
Great people. Great enthusiasm for the City. Bringing together great companies all looking to grow and progress and support each other.

3) What are you reading at the moment?
I am terrible at starting books and then moving on to another. Lockdown hasn’t changed that and I’ve three on the go at the moment; “Slaughterhouse 5” and “If this is a man” both of which I’m enjoying reading again, and “Deaths of despair” which is a new release. Probably not the cheeriest selection to be honest.

4) What are you watching at the moment?
Schitts Creek, Avenue 5, Trip to Greece and, just in case things were getting too cheery, the Vietnam documentary on Netflix which is incredible.

5) Favourite meeting place in Manchester
Got to be The Refuge.

6) Favourite lockdown activity
Morning walk every day. Just never do it normally.

7) Most creative meal that you cook
Definitely substance over style is how I’d describe my approach to the kitchen. I can make a pretty mean ragu.

8) Most creative thing you’ve seen on a video call during the lockdown
The company quiz we played a few weeks ago which involved 8 teams of 8 on Zoom with range of rounds including music and video.

9) Most mundane task you’ve completed since being in lockdown
Cleaned the oven.

10) Do you write a blog that you’d like us to share?
Yes and here it is.