Have the dots been connected between cultural intelligence, stress and burnout in your organisation? Because if they have, you’ll know it’s a game changer!
Tuesday, 14th March 2023By Jackie Connaughton – Business Health Institute
Do you know according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace[1] report, employee stress is at an all-time high?
We want to make sure you’re not an employer who according to Gallup reports that 76% of employees experience workplace burnout at least some of the time.
Is your company taking stress and burnout seriously?
Here’s the thing:
Stress and burnout are two of the biggest threats to workplace productivity and employee engagement. They’re also two of the most difficult things to measure—which is why it’s important for employers to understand where their employees are at, what they need, and how they feel about the work they do.
In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how Business Health Institute’s suite of solutions can help you navigate these issues so that you can build an environment where people can thrive and be their best selves.
Burnout is not just a short-lived annoyance. It can actually have a devastating impact on your organisation, from lower productivity to higher turnover, presenteeism and absenteeism costs.
Data is the new oil.
It’s a phrase that’s been heard before, but we think it’s apt. Data is the oil of the 21st century, and those who can harness it will be able to lead from the front in their industries.
The past 12 months have been as unpredictable as any time in recent history—and that’s not going to stop any time soon. And yet, ROI has driven that need for more accurate measurement models than ever before. It’s exciting for those of us who are working with real-time data solutions.
But it’s not just about accuracy; it’s about context too. One of the most important things about data is that it tells a story—and when you know how your data is telling its story, you can make sure that story aligns with what you’re trying to accomplish as an organisation.
As a CEO, Leader, or Manager do you know what is underpinning your people’s stressors? Imagine having a dipstick enabling you to be proactive and identify those risks. Stress Assess is such a tool, it is supported by a predictive model that allows for employee risk prediction and the proactive management of stress and burnout risks for your people, teams and organisation.
Another challenge you may have is ‘how do I quantify my people and workplace risks as part of business risk management and sustainable development’. Wellbeing Assess is a standardised and validated risk assessment tool that identifies risks regarding your people, as well as the workplace drivers. It is based on the Job Demands & Job Resource model. We know that people excel in their work because they maintain the balance between the energy they give and the energy they receive. But what if that energy is out of balance? If this is left to fester it leads to the health impairment process of burnout.
On the other side, you have new graduates or new employees who are keen and motivated. How do you ensure that they have a positive and proactive induction experience? Onboarding Assess is a measurement tool and a process through which new employees move from being organisational outsiders to becoming organisational insiders – a process of making sense of the new workplace.
We understand and work with the organisational socialisation process for newcomers and monitor it over four phases:
- Pre-entering – The weeks prior to a new job.
- Entering – The first three months of the job we refer to as the honeymoon phase.
- Settling in phase – The four to nine months we refer to it the hangover phase
- Career Continuum – 12 – 24mth period stay or leave depends on the functional outcomes during the onboarding process.
One-to-one coaching is provided throughout the onboarding process.
To sit alongside any of the above or as a stand-alone we use Firstbeat Life the gold standard in heart and heart rate variability measurements. Making the invisible, visible – your stress becomes comes to life visually. The difference with the clinical grade monitor we use goes further by also highlighting your balance between stress, recovery, sleep and exercise and the reasons behind any possible imbalances. We join the dots and support you to make lifestyle changes with science-backed confidence.
If you want to know how you, your people and your organisation are doing, you need to measure, with cutting-edge data science-backed tools.
Stress and burnout are not going to just disappear. Let’s work together to make this a manageable risk.
We all know that it’s not enough to be an employer of choice—you have to be an employer of choice for the long term. That means we need to make sure our people are working optimally, and that means making sure they’re not stressed or burned out.
We want them working as well as they possibly can—and so do you! We want your employees engaged, loyal, and productive because it benefits all of us.
We know that cultural intelligence is like a superpower. It can help you navigate any situation, and it’s what makes your organisation more effective, efficient, and effective. Together let us start joining those dots today.
1Ref: State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report