Five reason why it’s a good time to take a brand pause
Thursday, 16th July 2020The world has stopped for coronavirus, with restrictions on pretty much every aspect of everyday life.
It’s unquestionably a worrying time for business owners and brands, with concerns about commercial survival paramount in most minds. But if there is one positive to come of this global crisis, it’s the opportunity that it’s provided for people to pause their daily routines and take stock. That applies to businesses and brands too, with even large multinational companies no longer conducting business as normal.
It goes without saying that the team at Truth is as concerned as anyone else. We’re overwhelmed by the sacrifice and support of the frontline workers now battling to keep us safe and well. We have absolute respect for the NHS, but also for the shop workers and logistics experts who are toiling to keep supplies moving.
As branding experts, however, we recognise that the world has now changed beyond recognition and nothing will ever be the same again. That’s why we think now is a good time to take a brand pause; to re-evaluate and reconsider the things that are not only important to you and your products, but also the things that are going to be important to your customers and stakeholders in future.
Here are five things to consider.
- There has never been a better time to take a brand pause
Not since the Second World War has there been such upheaval. Shops are closed, people are living their lives at home. Many of the things that people took for granted in 2019 now no longer apply in 2020. While these are difficult times for businesses and organisations, the stakes have never been lower in terms of taking time to stand back and examine the fundamentals of your brand and the way you interact with the world. We will emerge into the light at some point soon but for now, the world of commerce has largely slowed to a crawl. Use this time wisely. Use it to think about the things that your brand stands for.
2. The world has changed
None of us can know when the return to normal life will begin. However, one thing is certain: the world has changed and things are never going to be the same again. In assessing branding and marketing activity for the new world, it will be vital to give some thought to the things that are going to be most important to people, and what that means to your branding.
3. The way we access services has changed
Life in lockdown has demonstrated the extent to which goods and services can be accessed remotely via digital technology. Among the brands that will be remembered as gaining prominence during these times are House Party and Zoom, both of which were relatively unknown in late 2019. Even the way the aesthetics of mainstream media have changed. We’ve been shown that interviews can be conducted virtually, rather than with guests present in the studio, and this has changed the grammar of what we are comfortable in consuming. Many of these things will continue to be popular beyond the current crisis and that will provide new opportunities for brands to get close to consumers.
4. People will be ready to spend money again, but value for money will be vital
The irony of life in lockdown is that many people are spending less than ever before. However, there are those who face serious hardship too, with businesses closing, jobs being cut and some employees placed on furlough. This period has presented a significant economic shock that is likely to lead to recession. People will undoubtedly want to spend money when this crisis has passed. However, there will be more acute awareness of the value of things.
5. The way we think about the world has changed
Another remarkable fact of the coronavirus lockdown has been the way that many things have become possible that we were previously told were not. We now know that it is possible for people to take fewer flights, for people to work from home, for car journeys to no longer be necessary, and for us to think more carefully about what we eat, drink and do. The world has developed a conscience and brands need to respond if they want to remain relevant in future.
Ready for a brand pause? Get in touch with Truth Creative.