SMEET Up – November

Date: Wednesday 27th November 2019
Time: 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM
Location: B Works, 48 - 50 Market Street, Manchester, M1 1PW
Cost: Free
SME Club

Join us for our regular SMEET Up, where we will be bringing together the great minds of entrepreneurs and SME professionals in Greater Manchester in a relaxed atmosphere. Join us on the fourth wednesday of each month for one of the best networking events in Manchester.

With an informal setting and drinks and nibbles provided, our free SMEET Ups are a perfect way to share tips and advice and grow your network.

During the evening you will be invited to put your business card into a draw,  10 cards will then be selected and these people will be given the opportunity to deliver a 60 second pitch.  It’s a great opportunity to tell everyone in the room about yourself and your company – if this sounds something you’d like to take part in just bring along your business card, and have a think about what you would say in 60 seconds.

Just a minute? - Pitching 'how to' by Peter Rush - The Pitch Doctor

Beginnings are so important even when time is tight. What to say and how to say it? Do you aim for the audience’s heart or their head? A series of 60-second pitch creates unique challenges to be memorable too. Peter Rush, aka The Pitch Doctor will share how to be memorable just by being you. And how to dance with your nerves using them to add energy and impact to your pitch performance.



17.30 - Registration & networking

18.30 – Pitching 'how to'  by Peter Rush - The Pitch Doctor

18.35 – 60 Second Pitches

18.50 – Networking continues

19.30 - Close

* This is an informal networking event, so guests are welcome to come and go as they please.

Interested In The Event?

If you’re interested in attending, you can book online here.