Future pro-manchester: Sleep & Leadership
Understanding their own sleep type better
Creating a better sleep routine for themselves
Improve your behaviours around sleep
Address how you think about sleep
Help you to create the right sleep environment
About the Speakers:
Laura is a Senior Associate at Hall Brown Family Law and the Chair of Future pro-manchester. She specialises in divorce and financial remedies following separation.
Laura gives concise, straightforward advice and seeks to ‘cut through the detail’ to help her clients navigate whatever situation they may face. At the same time, she recognises the emotional impact separation has on the individuals involved and keeps a firm focus on the whole family dynamic, in particular the importance of parents maintaining a healthy working relationship following separation.
Laura is a regular contributor to legal and non-legal publications having featured in the Family Law Journal, The Daily Mail and Radio Four Woman’s Hour.
I am a Sleep Behaviour and Environment Expert who has, with a supporting team of other experts, developed an approach that helps people understand their sleep better, and assist them in making the changes to their mindset, behaviours and environment that can lead to better sleep. As the third generation of my family to be involved in the production of sleep products it was embarrassing to share with people that I suffered from insomnia. For as long as I could remember, I struggled to fall asleep and stay asleep. Finally, in my mid-twenties I found the drive to solve my problem and that led to me training as a practitioner to help others. I am committed to improving the quality of sleep services for poor sleepers in the UK and raising the awareness of the massive impact poor sleep has on our emotional and physical wellbeing.
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