DSW’s next generation of leaders ‘graduate’ from Future Leaders Programme

Monday, 24th July 2023

Dow Schofield Watts’ next generation of future leaders has ‘graduated’ from an innovative leadership development programme. Designed by BecomingX in collaboration with Dow Schofield Watts, the Future Leaders Programme included 12 participants from across the network.

Group photo of the DSW Future Leaders Programme graduates.
The DSW Future Leaders Programme Graduates

The ‘graduates’ have spent the last six months realising their potential via leadership, business development, teamwork, communications and resilience development sessions together with one-to-one coaching.

BecomingX was set up by adventurer Bear Grylls and CEO Paul Gurney. DSW are delighted to partner with BecomingX, who also collaborates with the likes of Accenture, Amazon and KPMG.

Pete Fendall, DSW’s Business Development and Operations Director, helped develop the programme and was also a participant. He said: “Being a challenger brand with a unique licensing model, DSW empowers people to take control of their destiny and build their own business, and BecomingX had to support this entrepreneurial approach whilst increasing collaboration and interconnectivity across our network.”

Liz Lawson, DSW’s Talent and Resourcing Manager, said the firm’s main aim was to provide an inspiring and rewarding leadership programme to develop its next generation of leaders. “The key outcomes were to recognise our future leaders, enhance their leadership skills, build their confidence, and increase collaboration across the DSW network. This is exactly what BecomingX delivered.

“Our future leaders have all provided overwhelmingly positive feedback and I was able to witness a step-change in their levels of confidence and the deep relationships they built during the programme.

“The cohort are an extremely talented group of individuals who have brilliant ideas on how to make DSW even better as a result of working together, and they’re fully committed to taking these forward.”