CEO Update
Sunday, 19th July 2020Undoubtedly the covid-19 crisis has brought with it many challenges but equally it has also created some exciting opportunities. Ever the optimist, I will only ever see that we will come out of this stronger and better than ever before.
If nothing else, the one thing that these past few months has taught us is the value of efficiency. How we can achieve as much, if not more, with less. We are amidst a pivotal moment in time and we must embrace it.
The past four months have not been easy for any of us but I am extremely proud of how quickly we have adapted and at what we have been able to achieve. As a team we have ridden the Coronacoaster together and we now have a clear, strategic plan of what pro-manchester has become – a digitally enabled, efficient business with the ability to offer so much more. Please allow me to elaborate.
More Activity
Since April we have delivered over 45 webinars, registered over 3500 attendees and broadcast on average to over 90 plus individuals per session. We may not be able to run any physical activity at the moment but with the switch to online we can now produce more, reach wider audiences and attract more engagement. Location and accessibility are no longer a barrier and we are really beginning to see the positive impact.
Obviously, we are very keen to get back to our live events programme but whilst our hands are tied, we are making the most of it and it is a change that is here to stay and one we will continue to utilise forever more. Our webinars and online activity will become a fantastic complement to our already successful programme.
On the 20th August our postponed Trailblazing Tech Conference will be delivered virtually and live streamed “Studio Style” to over 300 people. This is a first of its kind for pro-manchester and we are very excited to showcase just what we can produce in a world where coming together physically is not an option. For more information and to find out how you can be involved please click here.
More opportunities for members
An expanding programme brings with it more opportunities for members to get involved. More opportunities to share advice, to network and connect and build new business relationships amongst the business community. Increasing audiences and widening our reach means more opportunities for members to promote businesses to audiences further than ever before. With a variety of platforms to choose from, we have all your business development needs covered. Whether that be through our online events programme, e shots, blogs or through the commission of insight reports, there is something to support all budgets. For more information please click here.
More partnerships
Like a stuck record I repeatedly talk about the importance of relationships and collaboration. Manchester is the champion of Stronger Together and is famous for its collaborative nature. The region’s approach to handling this crisis has been no exception. Week on week the public and private sector have been coming together to collectively navigate a way through these unchartered waters, ensuring no voice remains unheard. I am extremely proud that pro-manchester has been able to play a key role in supporting our GM partners and aiding the delivery of advice to the business community. Stronger bonds have been developed, creating solid foundations to ensure that we, Greater Manchester and the NW region, are well equipped for anything the world may throw at us.
Our relationships in the wider North West region has blossomed too. Over the past four months pro-manchester has delivered several events in partnership with our Liverpool counterparts Professional Liverpool – bringing together our respective mayors and shared members in each regional office to share updates, advice and support to the wider business community.
Later this week will also see the launch of the Finance and Innovation Report commissioned by the North West Business Leadership Team, and supported by pro-manchester, the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, Innovate UK and the City Region Mayors of Liverpool and Greater Manchester. More details will be released on Wednesday.
The world has changed and pro-manchester has changed for the better for it. At a time when there appears to be less freedom we are determined to find and look forward to much, much more.
For more information about pro-manchester and our future activity please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Sam Booth
Chief Executive
[email protected]