Off-the-shelf software vs bespoke software

6th April 2023, 5:41 pm

There are a huge number of applications, programmes, and software services available in the market, and finding the right solution can be difficult and time-consuming, especially if you’re not 100% sure what you need.

Off-the-shelf software is ready-made and available for purchase by anyone, usually through a marketplace or website. Examples include desktop applications, like Microsoft 365 and Adobe Acrobat., and heavily-configurable enterprise applications, like SAP, Salesforce, and Sage.


Bespoke software is designed and developed to meet the needs of your business. It’s not readily available, and you need to follow the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to create the application, programme, or script. You may choose a bespoke solution if you can’t find off-the-shelf software that includes everything you need. Bespoke software can be developed in-house by your IT team or by an external software development company like us.

The differences between off-the-shelf software and bespoke software

Here are the key differences between off-the-shelf software vs bespoke software.

Off-the-shelf Bespoke
Time Off-the-shelf software can often be purchased and implemented relatively quickly, sometimes instantly, as it is already available in the market. The slowest part of the process is choosing the right product in the first place. It may take longer to implement bespoke software as you’re often starting from scratch and need to gather requirements, design, develop, test, and deploy the software.
Cost Often, off-the-shelf solutions can be more cost-effective, as there’s only one version of the product to meet the needs of all the users. Bespoke software has a higher cost as it’s created specifically for you. However, it can also give you a competitive advantage by helping you to leverage your Intellectual Property and unique processes.
Contracts Off-the-shelf solutions are often subject to standard terms and conditions and pricing. If you’re working with an external software development company, you’ll need to agree on the terms and costs and who owns the Intellectual Property.
Processes Off-the-shelf systems naturally lend themselves to non-core, common, or administrative processes or tasks. Bespoke solutions are perfect if you want to leverage the unique, business-critical processes that make you stand out from the crowd.
Flexibility Off-the-shelf systems can often be configured but not customised. A bespoke solution offers complete flexibility. Once implemented, you can continue to enhance your software to meet your changing needs.
Integrations If your off-the-shelf software offers third-party integrations, the product owner will choose the integrations that benefit most of the users. You can integrate bespoke software with any third-party system using APIs, fully connecting your application ecosystem and helping you to grow.


In summary, off-the-shelf software can be a cost-effective solution if you need basic or standard functionality quickly, while bespoke software offers greater flexibility and you can continue to customise as you continue to grow and need extra functionality. Both options have pros and cons, and you should carefully consider your specific needs and budget before deciding which type of software to use.

If you’d like to talk to us about our software development services, contact us.


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