It's easy to become burned out; lets talk about it!
It’s easy to become burned out; lets talk about it!
27th March 2023, 9:39 pm
As a business owner, you know that burnout can be an issue. It’s not just your employees who are at risk — you are too.
And it’s not always easy to recognise the signs of burnout in yourself, especially if you have been working hard for a long time and are used to feeling like that’s just how things are. But it’s important to be aware of what might be causing you to feel like that, so you can take action before it gets worse.
Here are seven indicators of burnout…
Have you noticed that you are putting off making arrangements to meet with family or friends? Does it feel too much, a little overwhelming? Sometimes you resent people asking anything of you or your time. All you want to do is give yourself some recovery time, especially at weekends. You find that you no longer engage in activities that bring you joy, instead, your behaviours for coping have changed and you withdraw from everything and everyone around you.
Emotional exhaustion
This is not just mental tiredness this is deeper than that. Have you found yourself overreacting to a simple request, getting irritable or seething inside when a work colleague, asks or says something inconsequential? Perhaps you have noticed that you have become cynical and have contempt towards the organisation, executives, and/or other objects in the workplace.
At work you are aware that you are not as productive as you used to be. You just can’t think of new ideas or solve problems anymore. You start to feel like everything is getting out of control, and you’re not sure how to fix it. In other words, all those little things that used to be fun and exciting have suddenly become too much work for you. This could be an indicator that you are on the road to burnout.
The simple things that gave you pleasure and made you want to get up and go, no longer have that impact. In fact, those things are now mundane. You would rather stay in bed than go out for a morning walk, or to the gym, which usually left you feeling invigorated for the day and ready to face any challenge. Now it is easier to pull the covers over your head and stay where you are.
Do you find yourself delaying something you’re supposed to do until the last minute because you don’t want to do it, and this is not your usual response to work? Have you noticed that you are allowing distractions to happen so that you don’t have to do whatever it is your putting off? If so, perhaps it is time to explore why you are doing this.
Personal care
Are you seeing a change in your demeanour or that you are stuck in a vicious cycle where you are no longer taking care of what you eat, you stay up late watching TV and having takeaway foods? That one glass of wine has turned into almost a bottle on a regular basis. You become a couch potato – you slump in front of the TV and don’t bother to exercise. Your sleep pattern has changed from once having a good night’s sleep to waking up in the middle of the night, having insomnia. These may be new coping habits that you have developed in response to chronic stress. However, they are impacting negatively on you, your life and your work.
Physical exhaustion
This is not the type of tiredness you get from a busy day or week. This is total exhaustion; it takes a huge effort to get up and get going. You have no energy for your family, friends, or hobbies. You don’t actually want to sleep but your body has no energy to do anything. Your mind is engaged but your body is disengaged and not able to function.
* In no way should the information provided here be considered medical advice and at all times the advice of a medical professional should supersede recommendations made here. We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or medical services of any kind. If you have any specific questions or concerns about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor, or healthcare provider, as soon as possible. *
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