How to be a good imposter

11th February 2025, 11:10 am

When I was asked to write a piece for pro-Manchester it was the title that worried me. Ask the Expert. Was I an expert? What was I an expert in? What could I possibly say? It’s a feeling that has dogged my professional life. That feeling of self-doubt, the certainty that everyone else knows more and are more suited or competent than me. A simple two-word phrase sums it up: Imposter Syndrome. And it’s a feeling that effects a lot of professionals at some point. But is it as bad as we are led to believe?


Obviously when I decided to write this piece on Imposter Syndrome the first thing I did was some research online, after all I didn’t want to be caught out not knowing what I was talking about. The thing that struck me even from a very casual search was that there were a lot of pieces, very well written pieces, about it by counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists but none of them from the perspective of someone who has it. They also tended to focus on the negatives of Imposter Syndrome.

That there are negatives is not in doubt. The self-doubt and resulting lack of confidence in our own abilities and judgement can be crippling, impacting on our careers and mental health. It often goes hand in hand with anxiety and a fear of failure. It can hold us and our businesses back if it gets out of hand. In a world where confidence in your own abilities almost verging on arrogance seems to be idealised this self-doubt can feel even more of a handicap.

However, there is a positive side.

Because of that nagging feeling that others know more than me, I tend to ask colleagues for their input and opinion more than perhaps I would otherwise. Not only does this help with building relationships within the team and enables the acknowledgement of other’s skills and knowledge it also means that I learn more. I don’t just mean in terms of facts and subject matter but in listening to others, even on a subject I know something about, I get a different perspective and experience different ways of approaching the same topic. It also leads to better decisions in the workplace because of getting multiple views.

The fear of being caught out also means I prepare for every event, every meeting and every talk that I do. I get briefings from colleagues on relevant matters, I ensure I have the data I am likely to need at my fingertips, I rehearse talks and pitches. Imposter Syndrome makes me less likely to wing it and so less likely, perhaps somewhat ironically, to be caught out on not having the answer to questions when needed. When you are in an important meeting with a customer or a funder being on top of your game is essential.

The urge to double check that my knowledge on a particular topic is correct also means that I am consistently revising, refreshing that knowledge and at the same time keeping it updated. Because I work in the area of innovation this is essential to keep on top of recent trends and developments and means I am less likely to be out of date.

I’m not a mental health professional, what I’ve detailed here is my own experience, which I hope resonates with others. I would certainly advise that if your mental health is affecting your day-to-day quality of life, you should always get support. The message I would leave is that while Imposter Syndrome is often portrayed as something negative and to be overcome, it can be used to positive affect and make you stronger in your professional life.

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