Essentials to marketing mastery

Essentials to marketing mastery

26th June 2023, 3:53 pm

Quick question – SME business, is it about you or is it about them?
In the past B2B businesses could happily sell services, a list of fairly universal headline sectors. The approach was – we are here, do you want us, do you want to work with us, we just need to tell you what we do?
No longer, it almost seems arrogant or complacent doesn’t it? Today the clients and consumers have all the power. These days you have to really understand your target audience and their hopes and dreams, drivers and fears and appreciate that they can support and follow you and bestow great loyalty or turn away.
Every purchase or instruction is emotive and there are a great many factors at play.
PROBLEMS Yes, we only buy to solve a problem and you only exist to help and serve them with that problem. You have to know with certainty what problem you solve for them (it’s not a service list it’s a benefit or solution)
EMPATHY only by truly understanding and listening to your target audience can you talk their language and create genuine alignment. When there is alignment there is conversion. It’s authentic, earnest and builds long standing relationships.
BRAND VALUES your ethical credentials are a deciding factor for many. What do you stand for? These may be best practice, eco / sustainability, safeguarding information, culture, the list goes on.
TRUST is the most essential component and this is built over time, you can’t demand or expect it, you have to earn it.
FOCUS & REACH is so key, remember you don’t want to talk/engage/convert everyone – just the ones that perfectly match what you say and do. The very audience you were made for.
VISIBILITY When you truly ‘get’ your audience/ideal customer/dream buyer you’ll know where to be visible and you won’t waste time, money or effort on waste ground.
TIME by which I mean patience. You would never ask someone to marry you on the first date, nor demand they buy/instruct on the first view. It still applies that we need see brands up to 7 times at least before registering, so think consistency not one-off activity.
BUILD COMMUNITY, TRIBES AND SUPER FANS How can you convert awareness to super fans? Remember no one is truly unique, you must evidence customer excellence and differentiation? What makes you different and sets you apart from your competitors? What brands do you love, what is it about them and what they do, how they make you feel? Carry them along the journey with you and your vision, values, and WHY?
Buying needs to feel good!
Before all this you need a strategy, put simply where are you now and where do you want to be? Set objectives and build a bridge between A and B.
Sherpa – Navigation for Business is a business and marketing pathway to get you to the top of your very own SME mountain – if you wish to hear more please book a free business mapping call at

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