Bee Net Zero Bi-weekly Comms Update

20th June 2024, 2:42 pm

As part of our mission to make Greater Manchester the easiest place to become a net zero organisation, you can now follow Bee Net Zero on LinkedIn to make sure you’re the first to hear about opportunities from the partnership and across the city-region.several

Bee Net Zero partners Electricity North West are working with UK Business Climate Hub to deliver a census, which will help understand business decarbonisation, what support is needed and how to benchmark the private sector’s contribution to the UK’s 2050 net zero target.

Green Economy is launching new peer networking groups to help businesses across Greater Manchester solve sustainability challenges. The groups will cover specific challenges, industries and local authorities, giving a range of businesses across Greater Manchester the chance to be involved. Learn more.

Finally, don’t forget to register for the Northern Sustainability Summit on Monday 8 July. The free-to-attend event will bring together people passionate about tackling climate change from businesses of all sizes and sectors across Greater Manchester.

To learn more about support available from the Bee Net Zero partnership visit

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