Member Spotlight: Louisa Scanlan, Founder & CEO – Collaborate Business Solutions

15th May 2024, 12:15 pm

1. Introduce yourself

I’m Louisa, founder and CEO of Collaborate, a Leadership and Organisational development consultancy, who focus on supporting leaders to go beyond the transactional, building connected and engaged teams. Working with leaders to build organisations where people feel truly valued and inspired.

2. Career highlight

Setting up Collaborate was something which I never expected to do and it has challenged me in so many ways. I would not be doing what I am now if it wasn’t for the training and opportunities I had during my corporate career. You don’t realise when you are in it, but you learn so much about yourself when managing a team or supporting a diverse group of people to deliver complex programmes and solutions for their customers. Collaborate successfully winning a number of awards has been the icing on the cake.

3. Name three words that describe your personality

Curious, creative, innovative.

4. What’s the best thing about pro-manchester

The community and diversity of organisations within it. The openness by which people share their thoughts, ideas and time. I love the sheer number of events which cover such a cross section of topics. The team behind everything as just brilliant as well.

5. What are your priorities for 2024

My biggest priority isn’t a business one. My daughter is doing her GCSEs so my priority is to be here as much as possible to support her. From a business perspective, our focus is to formally launch our own tools, namely our models BREAKING® and STRETCH®, alongside continuing to work with our great clients including Arla Foods and The Christie.

6. What do you think are the most important things going on in Manchester at the moment?

The focus on people both those who are employed and those employing them such as the Greater Manchester Good Employment charter. Alongside encouraging new organisations and industries to the area, we are really showing other areas in the UK what can be achieved.

7. Favourite meeting place in Manchester.

I love going to Haunt for a coffee and chat.

8. Are their any particular types of businesses that you would like to meet.

Business who are committed to developing with and through their people, driving performance through connected teams. We are passionate about helping

organisations to understand how people want to feel when they come to work and empowering leaders to lead with compassion, humility, and curiosity.

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 07802 791319


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