Increase the sale price of your business in 6 weeks

Whether you’re
- a business owner looking to capitalise on the best price possible for your business sale in uncertain times OR
- an Advisor looking to make sure you leverage the digital audit of a business to ensure the optimum price for a fast return on your investment,
this is a presentation of two halves and not to be missed by either side!
Manchester has been home to some great buy/sell stories and some massive disasters. We’ll walk you through some great case studies, give you actionable takeaways and hear from both sides on live panel debate.
One of our clients, in a David and Goliath story, drove their acquisition targets online sales into to ground, before buying their web assets at a fantastic price and growing their new acquisitions ROI by 400%, we’ll tell you how.
Hear; how one of the largest holiday companies in the world missed a whopper in their digital due diligence which cost them hundreds of millions, from the man who had to break the faux pas to them.
There are opportunities presenting daily, how can you tell if they could be a winner, we’ll discuss with our VC panel.
About the Speakers:

Elizabeth Clark, Founder and CEO of Dream Agility started life as an Electro Hydraulic Armoured Umbilical Designer before moving into the Technology Transfer sector and being part of the team that Floated Tororak plc for £50m. A tangential move into Flirting/Speaking and two book deals later, including ‘Flirting for Dummies’ by Wiley, Elizabeth moved back into technology and set up Dream Agility. Originally building ecommerce feeds, due to the sheer size and complexity of the data sets Elizabeth found herself being one of the first to venture into building an AI and ML platform for Google Ads- whilst dealing with a surprise pregnancy with a 17 year age gap.
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