Routes for Women’s Leadership – virtual event
pro-women are passionate about supporting women to aspire to future leadership positions and the fact remains that there are far too few women in leadership roles in the UK.
Are you mid-career – thinking about how to promote and position yourself for success, whether that’s formal promotion, raising the topic of pay, developing key stakeholder relationships to support as sponsors/mentors as you develop.
Join this event in which keynote speaker Julia Rouse, MMU will present on what feminist theories are saying about the different sorts of positions on equality being taken in different feminist narratives currently. This will followed by supportive discussion groups on three key issues that tend to hold women back mid-career in relation to these: (i) combining work and care/domestic roles; (ii) seeking fair pay / a pay rise; (iii) acquiring sponsorship to progress.
About the Speakers:
Professor Julia Rouse is Head of the Sylvia Pankhurst Gender and Diversity Research Centre and a mother of two school aged children. She has researched the working lives of mothers and lobbied for support for mother entrepreneurs during Covid19 as Chair of the Women’s Enterprise Policy Group. Julia leads the Generating Routes for Women’s Leadership project (
Interested In The Event?
If you’re interested in attending, you can book online here.
For any further enquires about this event, contact [email protected]