Can you help Ellie, our Events & Marketing Assistant?
Wednesday, 27th April 2022Hello! Some of you may recognise me from our events, but for those of you that don’t – I’m
Ellie, pro-manchester’s Events & Marketing Assistant. My time with pro-manchester began
with a summer internship, in an attempt for me to gain some real-life industry experience
relevant to my degree, but I was later offered a permanent part-time position and I of-course
jumped at the opportunity! Fast forward and I have now been part of the pro-manchester
team for almost a year – time flies when you’re having fun!
Alongside my work at pro-manchester, I currently study Events Management, however my
time at university is coming to an end, and with only one month left of third year to go (cry),
the assignments are coming in thick and fast (double cry) – especially with my dissertation
due date on the horizon.
Therefore, I thought I would ask the pro-manchester community if you could please take 3-5
minutes out of your day to answer my dissertation questionnaire, focussed around ‘the role
of marketing in the consumer decision making process; an analysis of 18-25 year olds
buying behaviour of UK music festival ticket(s)’ – it would be a massive help and I would be
extremely grateful!
With all that being said, though I am sad to see the end of my university experience (minus
the assignments), ‘when one door closes, another one opens’ and I am excited to announce
I will be joining the pro-manchester team full-time in the next couple of months! I can’t wait to
get stuck in and start meeting even more of you, but for now – wish me luck!
To answer my dissertation question, please click HERE.