World Menopause Day: A pro-women Event

Date: Monday 18th October 2021
Time: 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Location: Crowe UK, The Lexicon, Mount St, M2 5NT
Cost: Free

We are delighted to invite you to our World Menopause Day event, brought to you by the pro-women committee, with our guest speaker Emma Persand. This event is aimed at both women and men to provide important information, explore the many issues, myths, misinformation and management options around the menopause transition and to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing.

Women comprise approximately half (47 percent) of the UK’s workforce. About 3.5 million are women aged 50 and over.

The menopause transition is one part of the reproductive health stages for women. This occurs naturally between the ages of 45 and 55; the average age in the UK is 52.

The menopause typically occurs at challenging times in women’s lives. They’re more likely managing their career, bearing the greater share of domestic responsibilities, childcare and care of disabled, chronically ill or elderly partners or parents when symptoms of the peri-menopause (typically from the age of 38), start to impact how she feels.

Women and the medical profession are more likely to attribute physical and psychological symptoms to the effects of stress during this time. Research has found that 25% of women will experience symptoms that will negatively impact their health and wellbeing and, often struggle on feeling overwhelmed due to the fluctuation of hormones during this time.

This educational session will look at what is happening to the body and what other factors can influence the severity of the symptoms. It will also focus on what lifestyle factors and treatment options are available to address symptoms and signpost for further support.

Join us for this lunch time event sponsored by Crowe UK and held at their prestigious offices in The Lexicon building, with refreshments provided.

About the Speakers:

Rebecca Durrant Partner, National Head of Private Clients - Crowe UK

I am a tax partner and Crowe’s National Head of Private Clients. This involves advising individuals on all aspects of the tax system including capital gains tax, inheritance tax and non UK resident tax issues. My clients are predominately owner managers, professionals and entrepreneurs, many of whom are involved in property both as investors or developers.

My particular speciality is advising owner managers how best to structure their businesses and assets tax efficiently during their working life, but always with a view to protecting their wealth for themselves and their families leading up to retirement and beyond.

I am also passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion and lead Crowe’s Women’s Empowerment Programme supporting our female pipeline and promoting an environment where everyone regardless of gender or background can reach their full potential.

I sit on the pro-manchester EDI committee and pro-women sub-committee.

Emma Persand Founder and Director - Lemur Health

Emma is founder and Director of Lemur Health, a workplace wellbeing company that addresses organisational culture and practices to facilitate engagement and business outcomes and influence positive employee health and wellbeing. She is a qualified nurse and an experienced case manager specialising in the management and prevention of stress in the workforce through policy work, education and employee and management training.

Coinciding with the growing evidence from current research, Emma has seen an increase in cases of work-related stress in women who are suffering symptoms of the menopause transition with little or no support impacting both the individual and the organisation. Combining her expertise in managing workplace health and clinical knowledge of the menopause, she works with companies on a strategic and individual employee level. She delivers management training – introducing the menopause impact assessment – to help identify any issues that can be dealt with proactively and also recommends when occupational health intervention is needed. Emma is a member of the British Menopause Society and the Society of Occupational Medicine. She is one of the first in the UK qualified to deliver a CBT intervention to menopausal women.

Interested In The Event?

If you’re interested in attending, you can book online here.

For any further enquires about this event, contact [email protected]