Ending the cycle of homelessness
2nd March 2021, 11:32 am
This month we’re talking about employment…
Manchester private rents are relatively expensive, we all know that. For a lot of people in emergency or temporary accommodation, a private tenancy is the only option as there is also a shortage of social housing and many people don’t qualify. So to be able to secure and sustain privately rented accommodation people affected by homelessness require structured support to access good jobs; with full-time hours (not zero-hour contracts) and a reasonable contract. Otherwise, people are rejected from the chance of a home at the first hurdle.
You may be reading this thinking this isn’t possible. This has become increasingly challenging in the current climate, as we head further towards an unemployment crisis that is affecting far more people than just those affected by homelessness.
So, what can the Booth Centre do about it?
We know that getting a job is just the start of the journey, but often an important step towards breaking the cycle of homelessness. A holistic package of support is available at the Booth Centre so people can be supported to access housing, sustain a job and to transition away from homelessness.
The Booth Centre and Business in the Community (BITC) work together to provide support with soft skills, motivation, confidence, access to training, navigating the recruitment process and addressing more practical barriers such as obtaining ID and travel expenses. Support is on-going and long term.
But we can’t do this alone we also require partnerships with local, regional and national employers. If you or your business can offer opportunities to support an individual that could end their cycle of homelessness, please contact our Service Manager, Rob.
Big Change MCR
The Big Change MCR allows charities to apply for small grants for individuals to support them on their journey to having a good quality of life. Read more
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