Member Spotlight: Claire Sofield, Managing Director, Four Recruitment

Wednesday, 10th February 2021

Each week we get to know one of our members a little better. this week it’s Claire Sofield, Managing Director, Four Recruitment


  1. Favourite quote or saying?

In light of recent times it would have to be ‘out of adversity comes opportunity.’ The first time someone said that to me during lockdown I’m not sure if I bought into it, nearly a year in I really do!


  1. Career highlight?

I’d have to say my recent move to managing director. I feel like we have a real clear vision and business plan for the next two years and I don’t think I would have had so much clarity if it wasn’t for the effect that Covid has had on us as a business and has individuals.


  1. Why do you love pro-manchester?

I think it’s a very credible networking organisation, we’ve been members for some time and we really see the benefit of being a part of it. They’ve done a fantastic job supporting and promoting  members particularly during these difficult times.


  1. What are you reading at the moment?

Fiction wise, ‘American Dirt’ and ‘Stretched too Thin’ for more of a personal development one. I have so many books I want to read but not enough time to get through them!


  1. What are you watching at the moment?

This is going to do my credibility no good but Married at First Sight Australia – it’s just the escapism I need at the moment!


  1. Favourite meeting place in Manchester?

I like Chichetti for day meetings, in the evening it’s got to be Albert Schloss – I can’t wait to get back to all of the fantastic places our city has to offer.


  1. Favourite lockdown activity?

This is a hard one…with my daughter only being 18 months old and it just being me and her, it’s very much all about getting out into the fresh air and visiting parks and playgrounds.  I can’t wait for more options to be available again!

As a business we’ve tried to be as creative as possible during lockdown.  My favourite activity so far has been a wine tasting event we organised virtually for clients, which went down extremely well, and ‘Through the Keyhole’ which we coordinated as a team, was a fascinating insight into our colleague’s home lives.


  1. Most creative meal that you cook?

Cooking is not my strength I’m afraid.  The last thing I made – which wasn’t from M&S – was  breaded goats’ cheese with rocket, redcurrant jelly and red grapes. I breaded the cheese myself which was a real achievement!


  1. Most creative thing you’ve seen on a video call during the lockdown?

I’m not sure I would call it creative but very early on in lockdown on a hot day there was a webinar I attended, let’s just say one of the guys didn’t know his camera was on and he had very little on!!


  1. Most mundane task you’ve completed since being in lockdown?

Clearing out all of my cupboards/under the stairs etc. all boring house stuff but it does give me a sense of achievement once it’s done


  1. Do you write a blog that you’d like us to share?

Not a personal one but as a company we do. We invite all of our consultants to guest write pieces the link is here


  1. What are you looking forward to doing again the most after lockdown?

This is a hard one there are so many things, the first one will be getting my hair cut, then a holiday, a night out, indoor playdates with Ruby and my friends little ones.  I’m also very much looking forward to hugging my friends and family! Basically everything!!!!!!!!