EnterprisingYou – Develop & enhance your sales techniques
Sales specialist and EnterprisingYou mentor, Lee Ali from Expo Stars Interactive Ltd will share his experiences and trade secrets on how you can ‘seal the deal’ whilst running your business during the coronavirus pandemic. This EnterprisingYou webinar is one not to be missed.
You will also hear examples of how we are already helping the self-employed in Greater Manchester and how you can gain access to business coaches, peer to peer mentoring and our fully funded training and personal development programme.
Welcome and Introductions – Michael Ayre
Develop and enhance your sales techniques– Lee Ali, Expo Stars Interactive Ltd
Overview of EnterprisingYou and the client portal –
Michael Ayre
GM Business – Interactive Interview on how a GM business have adapted and upskilled their sales techniques (Business tbc)
Questions and Close
About the Speakers:

Lee Ali is an international speaker, entrepreneur, business coach, mentor, sales strategist and a qualified iMA practitioner. He is widely regarded as the go-to source for attendee engagement and lead generation at global tradeshow exhibitions, conferences and live marketing events.
Lee’s passion from very early on in his business career has been understanding what makes people buy and how to truly connect with them so that they are deeply engaged with what you do.
Lee founded Expo Stars Interactive, an award winning exhibition engagement company in 2007, to support exhibitors worldwide to engage more attendees to their booth and has since experienced first-hand, the success and pain of both growing and downsizing the business.
Lee is also passionate about health and wellbeing. He is a qualified Reiki practitioner and incorporates the power of positive energy into his unique 5 E’s framework for personal, business, sales and marketing success.

With an eclectic mix of experience including recruitment, employment support and over 5 years working within the prison service, Michael believes in the strength of communities and collaboration to ensure that everyone at all levels can achieve their aspirations. Originally from the North East and with an accent you’ll recognise anywhere, he is extremely committed to making sure that EnterprisingYou supports as many businesses in Greater Manchester as possible.
Interested In The Event?
If you’re interested in attending, you can book online here.