Member Spotlight: Kimberley Waldron, MD & Co Founder @SkyParlour

Friday, 6th November 2020

Each week we get to know one of the pro-manchester membership a little better. This week it’s Kimberley Waldron, MD & Co Founder @SkyParlour…


  1. Favourite quote or saying?

“We alone can devalue gold by not caring if it falls or rises in the marketplace. Wherever there is gold there is a chain, you know, and if your chain is gold so much the worse for you.

Feathers, shells and sea-shaped stones are all as rare. This could be our revolution: to love what is plentiful as much as what’s scarce.” Alice Walker

  1. Career highlight?

As a business, SkyParlour has won some awards over the years which has felt very satisfying. And there have been many highlights since we started the business, such as winning big clients, lots of international travel and developing a recognisable brand. A random personal highlight for me was attending a lunch (or luncheon as it was called) next to the Russian Ambassadors house in Washington DC, then being taken on a driving tour of the city by the then CEO of Electronic Transaction Association – and winning some PR business in the meantime. You can’t beat afternoon tea on Capitol Hill that ends in new business!

  1. Why do you love pro-manchester?

The inclusivity of the membership combined with a feeling part of a collective of highly skilled business professionals. All with a passion for championing progress in the Manchester region. Co-chairing the Fintech Committee (with Mark Robinson from Verlingue) has also been a real pleasure so far – even though I think we still have a lot of good work to do as a team, I think the calibre of people I have been introduced to on the committee means we will make a positive impact on the Manchester Fintech scene.

  1. What are you reading at the moment?

I am taking a break from heroic fantasy so reading two books – “One Day” by David Nicholls (finally!) and “This is Marketing” by Seth Godin. I am also listening to the audio book “Gotta get Theroux this” by Louis Theroux.

  1. What are you watching at the moment?

Not ashamed to admit I have been sucked into the Karate Kid spin-off Kobra Kai on Netflix. Have also been enjoying watching Manctopia on the BBC. Also watched the Social Dilemma recently and promptly deleted all my social media apps apart from LinkedIn.

  1. Favourite meeting place in Manchester?

It’s an old one but a good one – Common in the Northern Quarter. It’s just so relaxed and reminds me of lots of first meetings over the years. Especially takes me back to my time promoting unsigned bands and working in Manchester’s vibrant advertising and design world.

  1. Favourite lockdown activity?

Favourite? That’s a bit tough. I have really enjoyed working out in the garage (overcoming my fear of spiders!) and just having the time to explore the countryside where I live. And working really closely with my business partner, Angela Yore, on the exciting growth plans for SkyParlour.

  1. Most creative meal that you cook?

I am not the most creative cook from a classy cuisine perspective. But I do have a ‘Ready Steady Cook’ approach to mealtimes and can usually cook up something pretty edible when the cupboard and fridge are almost bare!

  1. Most creative thing you’ve seen on a video call during the lock-down?

Now I feel like I have been missing out! Nothing too creative I have to sadly say – but I have seen some pretty creative uses of camera positioning – its amazing how spare bedroom full of junk can look like a modern home office with the just the right angle!

  1. Most mundane task you’ve completed since being in lock-down?

We have gone through a rebrand and are launching 3 new business divisions. That in itself isn’t mundane at all but to do the internal launch our graphic designer, Jake, and I prepared individual brand boxes for each of the team. Packing, wrapping and sending those out special delivery was a little bit mundane – especially given the queue at the post office! It was satisfying over all though!

  1. Do you write a blog that you’d like us to share?

The SkyParlour blog with some Fintech industry news and marketing advice has just had a revamp and can be found here:

  1. What are you looking forward to doing again the most after lockdown?

Not having to encounter constantly conflicting and corrupting news feeds appearing on every device and platform.

Also, a holiday somewhere warm and hopefully some exciting and creative in-person planning meetings with clients!