Nine St John Street launches weekly Q&A videos

6th April 2020, 4:04 pm

In response to the coronavirus outbreak, the Employment Team of 9 St John Street have launched a series of weekly Q&A videos, answering key questions for workers, employees and employers on employment law developments during the coronavirus outbreak. You can submit your question for their barristers to discuss by email to [email protected].

Video 1 – Furlough Issues

This week Stefan Brochwicz-Lewinski and Louise Quigley focus on furlough:

– What is furlough? Who is covered and what are employees entitled to?
– Who should employers select for furlough? How can I use furlough in my business?
– Is furlough a compulsory alternative to redundancy?
– Can directors be furloughed? What functions if any, can directors carry out whilst on furlough?
– Furloughing employees in the vulnerable categories.
– Can you furlough an employee who has handed in their notice?
– How does furlough impact on a TUPE transfer?
– Can you have a second job whilst being furloughed?
– Can I rota staff on furlough?

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