pro-manchester COVID-19 update
Tuesday, 17th March 2020A message from pro-manchester CEO, Sam Booth
With the most recent developments and ongoing concerns around the COVID-19 outbreak I wanted to share the latest update from pro-manchester in relation to our contingency plans.
In light of the quickly evolving situation and following the latest government advice we have taken the decision to implement working from home procedures for our entire team for the foreseeable few weeks. We will keep the situation beyond that under review. All staff will remain contactable on their mobiles and email.
We will also be moving all of our meetings to phone conference with immediate effect. The team will be in touch with members and others directly to share call details as required.
We have already postponed our Trailblazing Technology conference due to happen this Friday and we are currently cancelling or postponing all events scheduled to take place during the next two weeks. Events scheduled beyond that will be under ongoing review and alternative digital, online solutions will be made available where possible. Any further cancellations or postponements will be advised as required.
The team and the members are our priority. This is a difficult time for all businesses and it is important that as a community we work together. pro-manchester will be working hard over the next few months to provide as many alternative opportunities for businesses to continue their business development activity. New opportunities and digital solutions will be made available and announced soon.
pro-manchester will also continue to provide you with the most up to date advice and support to help you and your business navigate through this unprecedented time. We will continue to keep in close communication with our members, key stakeholders, partners and networks to keep you up to date on the latest developments locally and nationally.
In case you missed it we are running a series of webinars alongside the Growth Company to help businesses prepare for the potential economic impact of COVID-19. Please click here to find out more.
The Growth Hub has also developed a range of resources and guidance to ensure businesses feel supported and are prepared to act quickly as the situation unfolds. For more information please go to
We will be in touch again soon with latest news and activity at pro-manchester to ensure you can continue to make the most of your membership but in the meantime please do feel free to email me with any thoughts or ideas you may have and wish to share.