Understanding how to really sell yourself and your skills
13th December 2018, 6:16 pm
New research has revealed that Brits are being held back in their careers by not having an understanding of the skills they need to progress.
Global recruitment specialist Michael Page surveyed 1,203 workers to get their views on the job application process and found over a third (36%) have held back from applying for a new job because they didn’t understand which skills were required for the role.
With job seekers seemingly needing a confidence boost, Michael Page advises that candidates need to first identify and appreciate their skills before they can assertively convey them in language employers find convincing and exciting.
In light of this confusion Michael Page has developed the Skills Checker, an online tool which allows both employers and potential employees to search job roles and find out which skills are required. Advising on mandatory qualifications, technical competencies and personality attributes, the Skills Checker aims to help job applicants get ahead of the game.
To help job seekers who may be feeling overwhelmed by the job search process, Michael Page has the following advice:
- Think about the employer ‘shopping list’. Do you research to work out the skills and experience employers are looking for – don’t just rely on job ads and descriptions. If you want to understand the skills employers are looking for in specific roles, why not use the Michael Page Skills Checker
- Speak the employer’s language. Match who you are and what you do to the employer’s needs. Reflect that in the language of the hiring organisation; skills only become transferable when you express them in a way an organisation finds exciting
- Target your message. Work out which organisations are a good fit for you, understand the skills, qualities and experience they value in top performers, and tailor your application accordingly
- Learn to talk about your abilities confidently. Spend time learning how to talk confidently about your career history, your strengths, and areas you want to develop. Practise delivering short, positive stories about where you’ve performed at your best
- Plan for interview success. Don’t use live interviews as rehearsals – prepare, plan, and perform at your best. Spot the top five items on the employer’s wish list and align yourself to them. Decide on a handful of key messages you want to get across, and don’t leave the interview room until you do!
The Skills Checker tool can be found here: https://www.michaelpage.co.uk/minisite/skills-checker/