5 Ways to Drive Conversations into Conversions (part 1)

Monday, 14th October 2019
Guest blog by Vee24

AI, Bots, Co-browsing, and Chat are all the rage for companies to explore discuss and debate.  Your customers know what they want, when they want it and where they want it, it’s their choice – Is your company ready?  Our CEO, Priya Iyer is going to dive into what the future of customer experience looks like with orchestrated engagements on October 23rd in Manchester.

Until then, you still need to know how to turn your online conversations into conversions.

To create an experience that gets your customers to engage, you need to be able to reach your customers on the channels that work for them and make it easy.  Customers have the choice of how to interact with you, at any time during the day depending on their needs.

There was a time where the buyer’s journey started with a newspaper ad, billboard ad, or when they entered your store. Those days have been over for some time. Today, 87% of shoppers begin their product searches online. We like to know what we’re buying, and every purchase is measured and weighed against your competitors.

How do you turn those conversations into conversions?

1. Be There at the Start of the Buyer’s Journey

If you’re selling high-end products, being able to video chat with your customers would probably be a key part of converting them. Whereas if there’s a lower barrier of entry for your products, customers won’t need as much time to chat with you, then they may need a quick text chat. The question then becomes, how do you deal with FAQs and your associates being spread too thin?

If you integrate a ChatBOT with some form of live-chat you are able to give your associates contexts around a customer’s needs while offsetting 80% of the effort.

When you bring these together you have a full spectrum of ways to not only connect with your customers but start building a relationship with them before they even enter your store.


2. Bring Your Products to Life Online

Some products, we buy without a lot of thought, your basic sponges, a favorite cereal, or even a reliable t-shirt. These products have minimal impact on our lives, and our wallets. Other products need a lot of thought before we purchase them. We take our time and do our research before we take out a home loan, buy a car, or pick out a doctor.

While your customers are researching your products, orchestrating engagements with them is key to getting them to bring your products to life online. When you’re buying a car, a salesman approaches you and helps you find the right vehicle for you, at the pharmacy, the pharmacist helps you find the right thing for whatever’s ailing you, and you have a broker there when you’re looking to find the right insurance plan.

Engaging your customers while they are on your website is how you start bringing your products and importantly your brand to life. Having an AI chatbot to answer any quick questions your customers have will immediately make their experience more seamless, giving them a way to get their simple questions answered.

When your customers want more help finding the perfect product for them, or need more indepth answers, they can contact one of your representatives to video chat or cobrowse. This allows you to start closing sales on your website, expanding your reach!

What are some success stories? Watches of Switzerland saw a 35% conversion rate on luxury items, with live-engagement vs self-service, Schuh saw a 4x conversion rate increase with liveengagement. AOV went up 54% for watches of Switzerland, and 10% for Schuh.

We’ll cover the remaining 3 ways in our next blog post. If you want to learn more? Be sure to read our E-Book!

For more information or a demonstration of the Vee24 live engagement platform please contact:

Jane Jelly Senior Sales Manager –

Mob: +44 (0) 7735 971346